On the right is my first computer, a Timex Sinclair 1000. On the left is my latest computer, a Dell Mini9 hacked to run OS X. Putting these two machines side-by-side really puts into context how much computing technology has progressed over the past 27 years (1982 to 2009). Unfortunately, it also serves as evidence that I am getting old!
Joking aside, I bought the Dell more or less for the fun of hacking it to run OS X. My expectations for using it as an actual computer were low. Although I still greatly prefer using my MacBook, I have to say that the Mini has proved far more useful than I initially hoped. OS X runs really well, the screen size and resolution is good, and the keyboard isn't terrible. The Mini's small size, and no moving parts makes it a great machine for taking everywhere which has saved me from boredom on a number of occasions. For light work such as web surfing, email, blogging, and play-programming the Mini is quite productive.
I look forward to posting 27 years from now with a similarly sized computer from that time.